Paradise is the only word to describe the lakes of Veidivotn, watch those huge Brown Trout going for the fly…
The Brown Trout in veidivötn is originally Sea Trout who got stuck up in highlands 10.000 years ago during the last Ice Age, it make these Jurassic lakes unique.
Most of the lakes are fed and discharged underground because the lava fields and the scoria are very permeable. Brown trout is caught in 20-30 of those lakes.
In the land of Ice Age Brown Trout, anything can happen!!
Lakes Veidivotn contain about 50 lakes of different sizes, most of them are the so-called crater lakes. The area is about 20 km long and 5 km wide and lines in a southwesterly – northeasterly direction. The craters and the lakes lie in two rows.
Some of the very best brown trout & arctic char fishing in Iceland (or anywhere) is found here. Inquire about fishing here well in advance as the area is usually heavily booked.
Fishing season: June 15th to August 22
Prime time: June 15-Aug 22
Average size: 3-4 pounds.
Tackle: Single hand, line weight 4-7 floating, intermediate
Access: Very good.
Number of rods:
Distance from Reykjavík: 230 km
Lodging: Self catering or Highland center Hrauneyjar